May 05, 2024

We are pleased to announce that we are running the ‘Basket Bash Raffle’ again.
The ‘Basket Bash’ was such a success in previous years and created a great deal of excitement amongst the children.
The idea is simple – each class is given a theme and the children in the class are asked to donate an item (maximum price £5) to go into their class basket! Your class theme is included in this letter. The children have also been told the theme for their class basket but please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s teacher to clarify, or if you have any questions.
We would be very grateful if all donations could be brought into school by Monday 13th May. We are looking forward to receiving all the donations and putting together some amazing and beautiful baskets – ready to be raffled off, just before the end of term on Thursday 23rd May.
We will have the baskets displayed for the children view at school on Thursday 16th May, and for parents to view on Friday 17th May at pick up. They will also be available to view at the school discos drop off and pick up. We will also add photographs to our social channels and WhatsApp groups.
Here are some examples of what to include for some of the themes.

Raffle tickets will be sold at 50p a ticket in the weeks leading up to the draw. During this time parents will be able to buy tickets and then choose which basket they wish to try and win. Your ticket will entered into the raffle basket’s draw. Further details on how to buy raffle tickets will be sent out next week!
The draw will take place Thursday 23th May after school.
*To comply with the Gambling Act 2005, tickets can only be sold to people aged 16 and over
NUR – Arts and crafts
REC KJ – Toy town
REC LH – Chocolate delight
REC AM – Picnic
Y1 GF – Outdoor fun
Y1 EG – Family fun night
Y1 ES – Green Thumb
Y2 TB – Summer Holiday
Y2 MA – Pocket Money
Y2 CK – Baking
Y3 MP – Yellow
Y3 AB – Dentist nightmare
Y3 JF – Puzzles and games
Y4 BM – Green thumb
Y4 VS – Movie Night
Y4 LG – Family fun night
Y5 HG – Baking
Y5 YL/SG – Back to school stationery
Y5 SB – Sports
Y6 FDS – Pocket Money
Y6 ST – Red
Y6 AH – Spa Day
Many thanks in advance for your support with this School fundraiser.