March 03, 2023

Less than 2 weeks to go to BUBBLES & BINGO, buy your tickets now to secure your places. Scan the QR code on the posters around school or follow the link to purchase your tickets
£6 buys 2 games of bingo a drink on arrival and a whole lot of fun. Support the school, make new friends and be in with the chance of winning some fantastic prices.
We’ve had some amazing donations for the prizes including from Littlewoods Butchers, Room B, Stockport County, Chill Factore, Heaton Moor Golf Club, Born to be Wild, Carrie Burke tutoring, escape rooms & more.
7pm – Fri 17th March is a night not to miss, follow the link now, only a few tickets remaining ….
The PTA Committee

To help the children buy a small gift for that special person in their life the PTA will be holding a Mothers Day Gift Sale next week.
PTA volunteers will be at the Infant and Junior Site on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next week. There will be a selection of lovely gifts for the children to choose from, all pre-wrapped and priced at just £3 each. If you wish them to purchase a gift please send them into school with some pocket money.
We hope the children have fun choosing a special gift for their loved one
The PTA Committee